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sábado, 12. agosto 2006
AGENDA DE MOVILIZACIONES ARGENTINA Day/fecha : 11 Time/hora: 4:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: La Plata - Concentración en Plaza Italia y movilización a Plaza San Martín Organizers/organizadores: Organización Islámica Argentina. Asociación Argentina Islámica. Sociedad Libanesa de La Plata. Asociación Siriano Ortodoxa. Hogar Árabe Argentino de Berisso. Casa para la difusión del Islam. Asociación Hayy Yusuf. Organizaciones gremiales, sociales, estudiantiles, políticas y Populares. Demands/ demandas: Basta al terrorismo del Estado de Israel y Estados Unidos / Basta al exterminio étnico / Basta al genocidio / Basta de imperialismo / Vivan los pueblos libres / Por una Palestina independiente / Por un Líbano soberano / Por un Irak liberado / Por los pueblos oprimidos del mundo / Gritemos justicia y libertad / Exigimos el pronunciamiento del gobierno nacional. AUSTRALIA Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 12 p.m. (noon) Venue/lugar: Sydney (Town Hall) Organizers/organizadores: Australian Arabic Committee in Solidarity with the People of Lebanon & Palestine and Stop the War Coalition, Sydney BRAZIL/BRASIL Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 4:00-8:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: São Paulo, MASP Organizers/organizadores: Comitê de Solidariedade aos Povos Árabes Demands/ demandas: Apelo internacional por um cessar-fogo imediato e incondicional. CANADA Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 7:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Montreal, 1455 de Maisonneuve W., Concordia H110 Organizers/organizadores: Fundraising concert for Lebanese Red Cross/Red Crescent Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 11:00 a.m. Venue/lugar: Ottawa, Parliament Hill Demands/ demandas: Stop the war against civilians immediately / "Never again" applies to lebanese and palestinians also Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 2:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Edmonton (AB), University of Alberta Campus Organizers/organizadores: ECAWAR and Lebanese Community Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 1:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Federicton (NB), City Hall Organizers/organizadores: Concerned Fredericton Citizens Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 1:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Hallifax (NS), Victoria Parc Organizers/organizadores: Canadians Arabs and Jews for a Just Peace, Palestine Solidarity Society, Halifax Peace Coalition, Canada Palestine Association Shunpiking Magazine/Dossier on Palestine Demands/ demandas: End Israel's Assault On Lebanon And Gaza / Canadians Do Not Support War Crimes Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 1:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Toronto, 180 Bloor St. West Rally at the Israeli consulate Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 1:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Kelowna (BC) ENGLAND/ INGLATERRA Day/fecha : 11 Time/hora: 5:00-7:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: London, Downing Street Organizers/organizadores: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, CND and the British Muslim Initiative Demands/ demandas: End Israel's attacks on Lebanon and Palestine: Unconditional ceasefire now Day/fecha : 11 Time/hora: 12:00-2:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: London, outside the US embassy, Grosvenor Square, London WC1 Organizers/organizadores: Friends of Lebanon Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 12 p.m. (noon) Venue/lugar: RAF Brize Norton, main gate Organizers/organizadores: Stop the War Coalition and CND (This Royal Airforce Base base is being used to refuel American transport aircraft taking weapons to Israel for use in Lebanon. This is active military support for Israel by the British government.) Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 1:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: London, Hackney, corner Balls Pond Road/ Kingsbury road Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 1:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Manchester, Piccadilly Gardens FRANCE/FRANCIA Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 3:30 p.m. Venue/lugar: Chatelet Place to Opera, Paris Organizers/organizadores: Collectif national pour une paix juste et durable entre palestiens et israéliens Demands/ demandas: Journée Internationale d´Action. Arret Immediate et Inconditionnel des Bombardements au Liban et a Gaza non a l´agression americano isralienne au Liban Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 5.30 p.m. Venue/lugar: Paris, Place de la Comedie Organizers/organizadores: Agir Contre la Guerre (ACG) - Association des Combattants de la Cause Anticoloniale (ACCA) - Les Alternatifs - Alternative citoyenne - Américains contre la guerre (AAW) - Association France-Palestine Solidarité (AFPS) - Association de Jumelage Palestine-France (AJPF) - Association Nationale des Elus Communistes et Républicains (ANECR) - Association des médecins français pour la prévention de la guerre nucléaire (AMFPGN) - Association des travailleurs maghrébins en France (ATMF) - Association des Tunisiens en France (ATF) - Campagne civile internationale pour la protection du peuple palestinien (CCIPPP) - Collectif Paix Palestine Israël (CPPI Saint-Denis) - Collectif Faty Koumba (CFK) - Collectif des musulmans de France (CMF) - Comité de vigilance pour une paix réelle au Proche-Orient (CVPR-PO) - Coordination des comités Palestine d’Ile-de-France - Droit-Solidarité - Fédération des Tunisiens Citoyens des deux Rives (FTCR) - e-Arabesques - Femmes en noir - Femmes Egalité - Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (LCR) - Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples (MRAP) - Mouvement de la paix - Mouvement pour une alternative républicaine et sociale (MARS) - Parti communiste français (PCF) - Parti communiste libanais (PCL) - Parti communiste des ouvriers de France (PCOF) - Parti communiste des ouvriers de Tunisie - Parti du travail d’Iran - Fédération Sud-PTT - Fédération Sud Rail - Union Générale des Etudiants Palestiniens (GUPS) - Union Juive française pour la paix (UJFP) - Union Syndicale Solidaires - Les Verts Day/fecha : 12 Venue/lugar: Montpellier Organizers/organizadores: Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS34) , Association des Palestiniens en France (APF34), Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protection du Peuple Palestinien (CCIPPP34), Union Juive Française pour la Paix( UJFP), les Américains Pour la Paix et la Justice (APPJ), , Mouvement de la Paix, Mouvement pour le Désarmement, la Paix et la liberté (MDPL), Mouvement Alternative Non violente (MAN), Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour la Paix entre les peuples (MRAP), Collectif des Musulmans de France (CMF), Centre de Documentation Tiers Monde (CDTM), Maison des Tiers Mondes et de la Solidarité Internationale (MTMSI), Mouvement Immigration Banlieues (MIB), les Alternatifs, ATTAC Montpellier, ATTAC Cévennes sud, Parti des Travailleurs (PT), SUD-PTT, Créer MNCP, Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire (LCR), Parti Communiste Français (PCF), UL CGT Sète GERMANY/ALEMANIA Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 3:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Berlin, Rotes Rathaus Organizers/organizadores:: Achse des Friedens / AK Nahost Berlin / American Voices Abroad Military Project (Berlin) / Anti-G8-Bündnis / Arabische Kulturgesellschaft / Arbeitskreis Nahost / attac AG Globalisierung und Krieg / attac Würzburg / BüSGM - Bündnis für Soziale Gerechtigkeit und Menschenwürde / Bundesverband der Deutsch-Syrischen Kulturvereine e.V. / Dachverband Arabischer Vereine / Deutscher Friedensrat / DKP Berlin / Dortmunder Friedensforum / Europäisches Friedensforum / Friedensinitiative Friedrichsberg-Kreuzhain / Gesellschaft zum Schutze von Bürgerrecht und Menschenwürde / Großmütter gegen den Krieg / Gruppe Arbeitermacht / Gruppen der Friedenskoordination Berlin / Gruppe Neue Einheit / Hendrik-Kraemer-Haus / Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit (WILPF) / Jüdische Stimme für einen gerechten Frieden in Nahost / Landesverband der Syrer in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. / Libanesische Gemeinde / Linkspartei.PDS / Linksruck / Montagsmahnwache gegen den Krieg (MMW) / Ostermarsch Ruhr Komitee / Palästinensische Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte / Palästinensische Gemeinde / Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterjugend (SDAJ)Berlin / Volkswiderstandsbewegung der Welt WASG-Berlin (Landesvorstand) Demands/ demandas: Wir fordern: 1. einen sofortigen, bedingungslose Waffenstillstand, der den vollständigen Rückzug der israelischen Truppen aus Libanon und dem Gaza-Streifen sowie die sofortige Einstellung jeglicher Kampfhandlungen aller Seiten beinhalten muss. 2. umfassende humanitäre Hilfe einschließlich der Aufnahme von Verletzten und Kranken in Deutschland. 3. die unverzügliche Einleitung eines politischen Verhandlungsprozesses zwischen allen Beteiligten für einen gerechten, dauerhaften und umfassenden Frieden auf der Grundlage aller diesbezüglichen UNO-Resolutionen. 4. den unverzüglicher Stopp aller Waffenlieferungen in die Region des Nahen Osten einschließlich der deutschen Waffenlieferungen an Israel. 5. die Gewährleistung der friedlichen Koexistenz eines unabhängigen und lebensfähigen Staates Palästina an der Seite des Staates Israel in sicheren Grenzen und ohne Bedrohung durch andere. 6. die Rückkehr aller Flüchtlinge in ihre angestammten Orte im Südlibanon und ihre Entschädigung. 7. keine NATO-Truppen in den Libanon. IRELAND/IRLANDA Day/fecha : 12 Venue/lugar: Cork Organizers/organizadores: Anti-War Ireland and IAWM Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 2:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Dundalk, assemble Maid Of Erin Statue Organizers/organizadores: IPSC and IAWM Demands/ demandas: Unconditional ceasefire now Stop Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and Gaza ISRAEL Day/fecha: 12 Time/hora: 5 pm Venue/lugar: colina oposta à Prisão 6 em Atlit (para informações atualizadas, visite o site: www.yeshgvul.org.il) Organizers/organizadores: Yesh Gvul Demands/demandas: vigília de solidariedade aos israelenses que se recusam a lutar nas forças armadas de guerra e ocupação LEBANON/ LÍBANO Day/fecha : 12 Time/hora: 7:00 a.m. Venue/lugar: Beirut, Martyr's square Demands/ demandas: to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon Call for action: English - www.forumsocialmundial.org.br ) and Spanish - www.forumsocialmundial.org.br. More information: www.lebanonsolidarity.org MEXICO Day/fecha : 12 Venue/lugar: Mexico city, in front of the Israeli Embassy Organizers/organizadores: Coordinadora Mexicana de Solidaridad con Palestina y pueblos del Medio Oriente en Resistencia, Partido Obrero Socialista (POS), Colectivo Farasha, Miembros de la Comunidad Libanesa en México, Movimiento Mexicano de Solidaridad con Cuba, Coordinadora Continental Bolivariana, capítulo México, Partido Popular Socialista (PPS), Tribunal Benito Juárez, Adherentes a la Otra Campaña en el DF; Estudiantes y Académicos de la UNAM, UAM, ENAH e IPN, Plataforma Mexicana contra la Guerra Imperialista “No en Nuestro Nombre”, Red Juvenil Interreligiosa (RJI), Jóvenes en Movimiento por la Paz, Movimiento por la Paz, SOS por la Humanidad, Movimiento Humanista Judío ( Laico, Antisionista y Antiimperialista) NETHERLANDS/ PAÍSES BAJOS Day/fecha: 11 Venue/lugar: The Hague Organizers/organizadores:: Haags VredesPlatform Day/fecha: 13 Organizers/organizadores: NPK - forum on Palestine, Lebanon and Irak NORWAY/NORUEGA Day/fecha: 12 Venue/lugar: Stavanger Day/fecha: 12 Venue/lugar: Kristiansand PAKISTAN/PAKISTÁN Day/fecha: 9 Time/hora: 5.30 p.m. Venue/lugar: Committee Chowk, Rawalpindi Organizers/organizadores: People’s Rights Movement and other progressive political organizations Demands/ demandas: The demonstration is being called to condemn Israeli and American imperialism for the destruction of Lebanon, to demand an end to the pro-imperialist foreign policy of the Musharraf government and to express solidarity with the Lebanese, Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghani resistance. SCOTLAND/ESCOCIA Day/fecha: 12 Time/hora: 2:00-8:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Edinburgh Organizers/organizadores: Stop the War Coalition Demands/ demandas: We join with the national Stop the War Coalition in demanding that the British government exert every possible pressure on Israel to end immediately its invasions of Gaza and Lebanon and its threats against Syria . If peace is ever to come to the Middle East, Israel must negotiate with the Palestinian leadership the complete withdrawal of its occupation in the West Bank and Gaza , as specified in 1967 by UN Resolution 242. SWITZERLAND/SUIZA Day/fecha: 12 Time/hora: 2:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Genève, place Neuve Organizers/organizadores:: Collectif Urgence Palestine Demands/ demandas: D'œuvrer pour l'arrêt immédiat des bombardements et le retrait de l'armée israélienne de l'intégralité du territoire libanais et des territoires occupés palestiniens. / D'œuvrer à la mise en place d'une médiation internationale pour l'échange de prisonniers. / D'œuvrer à la mise en place d'une commission d'enquête sur le massacre des populations et l'utilisation d'armes interdites par Israël. / De stopper la collaboration militaire entre la Suisse et Israël tant que l’occupation en Palestine et les agressions militaires au Liban, en Palestine n’auront pas cessé. / Sanctions économiques, militaires, culturelles, universitaires contre l’Etat d’Israël tant que durera l’occupation en Palestine, ainsi que les agressions militaires en Palestine et au Liban. / D'exiger du gouvernement israélien le respect des conventions de Genève et du droit international. Soutien au mouvement israélien anti-guerre / UN Engagement Citoyen Peut Changer La Situation! / Solidarite Avec Les Peuples Libanais Et Palestinien! UNITED STATES/ESTADOS UNIDOS Day/fecha: 12 Time/hora: 12 pm (noon) Venue/lugar: Washington DC Organizers/organizadores: ANSWER International, National Council of Arab Americans (NCA), Muslim American Society Freendom Foundation Demands/ demandas: National Emergency March on Washington. Defend the People of Palestine & Lebanon. Stop the U.S.- Israeli war. Day/fecha: 12 Time/hora: 12 pm (noon) Venue/lugar: Atlanta, in front of CNN Headquarters Day/fecha: 12 Time/hora: 1:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Los Angeles, Olympic and Broadway, Downtown Organizers/organizadores: The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, the National Council of Arab Americans and the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation Demands/ demandas: Regional Emergency March in Los Angeles. Defend the People of Palestine and Lebanon! Stop the U.S.-Israeli War! Day/fecha: 12 Time/hora: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Venue/lugar: San Francisco, civic center Organizers/organizadores: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, National Council of Arab Americans (NCA), Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation Demands/ demandas: Stop the U.S.-Israeli war — San Francisco, Defend the people of Palestine and Lebanon Day/fecha: 12 Venue/lugar: Seattle, Federal Building, 2nd and Marion Day/fecha: 12 Time/hora: 12 pm (noon) Venue/lugar: San Diego, Balboa Parc Organizers/organizadores: The San Diego Chapters of The National Council of Arab American andAl-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition Demands/ demandas: We Demand An End to US Financial and Military Support of the Genocidal Zionist State / We Demand the Right of Return to their Homes and Lands for all Palestinian and Lebanese Refugees /Occupation Is A Crime From Lebanon To Iraq To Palestine! Day/fecha: 12 Time/hora: 1:30 p.m. Venue/lugar: New Hampshire, Concord State House Plaza Organizers/organizadores:Arab American Forum, NH Peace Action, NH Veterans for Peace, Palestine Education Network and the National Council of Arab Americans URUGUAY Day/fecha: 12 Venue/lugar: Montevideo, Uruguay. Marcha desde la Explanada de la IMM hasta la Plaza Cagancha Organizers/organizadores: Comisión de Apoyo al Pueblo Palestino – Uruguay, PIT-CNT, Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios del Uruguay (FEUU), Federación de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua (FUCVAM), Organización Nacional de Jubilados y Pensionistas del Uruguay (ONAJPU), Instituto del Tercer Mundo, Cotidiano Mujer, Articulación Feminista Marcosur HIJOS – Uruguay, Comisión de Familiares de Asesinad@s Polític@s, CRYSOL - Asociación de Ex-Pres@s Polític@s, Coordinadora de Jubilados y Pensionistas del Uruguay, Comisión Nacional de Organizaciones Sociales del Uruguay (CONOSUR), REDES - Amigos de la Tierra, Servicio de Rehabilitación Social (SERSOC), Instituto de Estudios Sociales del Uruguay (IELSUR), Club Libanés del Uruguay, Voz Libanesa, Cámara de Comercio Uruguayo-Árabe, Federación de Entidades Árabes - Uruguay (FEARAB), Federación de Entidades Árabes - América (FEARAB), Asociación Cultural Uruguay-Armenia (ASCUA), Periódico "La Verdad", Círculo Bolivariano "General Antonio José de Sucre" MANIFESTACIONES YA REALIZADAS: BRAZIL/BRASIL Day/fecha: 6 Venue/lugar: São Paulo Organizers/organizadores: the Lebanese community and several Brazilian organizations (unions, grassroots movements, progressive parties, student movements) BELGIUM/BÉLGICA Day/fecha: July 30 Venue/lugar: Brussels, Belgium Demands/ demandas: National demo in Brussels, Belgium, for Lebanese-Palestinian solidarity Day/fecha: August 5 Time/hora: 2 p.m. Venue/lugar: Gare du Nord, Brussels, Belgium Demands/ demandas: National demo in Brussels, Belgium, for Lebanese-Palestinian solidarity ENGLAND/INGLATERRA Day/fecha: August 5 Venue/lugar: London, England Organizers/organizadores: The Stop The War Coalition Demands/ demandas: Ceasefire Now Demonstration! Website/página del web: www.stopwar.org.uk ISRAEL Day/fecha : July 29 Time/hora: 6:30 p.m. Venue/lugar: Tel-Aviv Organizers/organizadores: Women against the War – Coalition of Women for Peace, Achoti, Aswat, Bat Shalom, Women in Black, Fora, Tandi (Democratic Women Movement in Israel), Women against violence, Altafula, New Profile, The fifth mother, WILPF, Neled, Beit Nashim Feministy, "Itihad El Nissa El Takdumi", Kian – Feminist organization. Demands/ demandas: Women against the War. A women's demonstration. Stop the War !Stop killing civilians! Negotiations now! Exchange prisoners! Day/fecha : August 5 Time/hora: 6:00 p.m. Venue/lugar: Tel-Aviv Organizers/organizadores:: IPSC and IAWM Demands/ demandas: A protest march and demonstration. Enough! Stop this unnecessary war! Start Peace Negotiations! SPAIN/ESPAÑA Day/fecha : July 27 Time/hora: 8 a.m – 8 p.m Venue/lugar: Almeria, España Organizers/organizadores:: Foro Social De Almería, Acción Católica General De Adultos, Cgt, Psa, Asociación Almeriense Por La República, Unión De Juventudes Comunistas, De España, Grupo Ecologista Rakis, Asociación Almería Intercultural, Soc, Asocación De Al-Ittihad De Los Inmigrantes Marroquies De Almeria Y Provincia, Aemsa, Asociación Centro De Imanes Por La Paz, Asociación De Inmigrantes Por La Paz, Grupo Ecologista Cóndor, Ustea Demands/ demandas: 12 horas por la paz en Oriente Medio. Jornada protesta de 12 horas, desde las 8 horas hasta las 20 horas, del jueves 27 de julio, que se llevará a cabo en la plaza del educador de Almería. a las 20 horas se realizará una concentración final en el mismo sitio. cosmica, 12/8/06 18:17
... link (no comments) ... comment jueves, 10. agosto 2006
Flesh for fantasy There's a change in pace Of fantasy and taste Do you like good music? Do you like to dance? Oh yeah. Hangin' out for a body shop at night Ain't it strange what we do to feel alright? Oh yeah. So when will you call? I'm experienced Oh yeah Face to face And back to back You see and feel My sex attack Sing it Flesh, flesh for fantasy We want Flesh, flesh for fantasy It's after midnight Are you feelin' alright oh yeah Turn on the light, babe Are you someone else tonight? Neighbour to neighbour, door to door Don't ask questions, there's time for it all Oh yeah. Face to face And back to back You see and feel My sex attack Sing it Flesh, flesh for fantasy We cry Flesh, flesh for fantasy I sing for culture... Father loves his son, Mothers, daughters, too. It's an old old story, Cries the new world too. Flesh, flesh for fantasy We want Flesh, flesh for fantasy We want Flesh, flesh for fantasy You cry download mp3 billyidollyric cosmica, 10/8/06 13:40
... link (no comments) ... comment domingo, 6. agosto 2006
mind games We're playing those mind games together, Pushing barriers, planting seeds, Playing the mind guerilla, Chanting the Mantra peace on earth, We all been playing mind games forever, Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil. Doing the mind guerilla, Some call it the search for the grail, Love is the answer and you know that for sure, Love is flower you got to let it, you got to let it grow, So keep on playing those mind games together, Faith in the future outta the now, You just can't beat on those mind guerillas, Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind, Yeah we're playing those mind games forever, Projecting our images in space and in time, Yes is the answer and you know that for sure, Yes is the surrender you got to let it, you got to let it go, So keep on playing those mind games together, Doing the ritual dance inn the sun, Millions of mind guerrillas, Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel, Keep on playing those mind games forever, Raising the spirit of peace and love, not war, (I want you to make love, not war, I know you've heard it before) johnlennonlyric cosmica, 6/8/06 11:51
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